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Ways To Withdraw Money From Bank Account


Hello friends, if you have a savings account then you must have withdrawn money from that account at some point or the other, but you would know only 2 to 3 ways to withdraw money from the bank.

But in today’s post, we will tell you how many ways you can withdraw money from your savings account. You don’t need to withdraw money from your home branch only. You can withdraw money from any branch of your bank.

Ways To Withdraw Money From The bBank Account

If you want to know how many ways you can withdraw money from your savings account, then you must read this post till the end.

Ways to withdraw money from the bank account

Most people withdraw most of the money from their savings account from the bank or ATM, but if you want to know how to withdraw more money from your bank account, then read the post till the last.

  1. Through ATM
  2. By check
  3. Through bank slip
  4. Through Aadhaar card

1. Through ATM

When you open your new savings account in any bank, you are given a passbook, checkbook, and an ATM. You can easily withdraw money from any bank’s ATM by using your ATM, but you will not have to enter your ATM. You will have to activate it and to activate it,

you will have to use your bank’s ATM only and the first transaction will have to be done through the same. After the first transaction, you can easily withdraw money from any bank’s ATM.

2. By Cheque

Most people use checks to give money to others, but you can withdraw money for yourself with the help of a cheque, you have to go to your bank branch and fill in your cheque, you have to make only one change in it, and you have to pay.

You have to write ‘Self’ in front enter your amount and put your signature. After verification, your money will be given to you.

3. Through Bank Slip

Most of the people use this method to withdraw money from their bank account. Earlier people used to withdraw money with the help of this method and even now they do so because when you withdraw money through a cheque, you have to take the checkbook but the bank You get the slip free from the bank

4. Through Aadhar Card 

Most people use this method only when the bank is closed because, with the help of this method, people can easily go to any public service center and get the withdrawal done. After all, this method is very easy.

But when you withdraw money from your bank account through an Aadhar card, you are charged Rs 35. With the help of an Aadhar card, you can withdraw only Rs 10,000 in 24 hours.

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You can use the method of cheque and bank slip only in your bank, but you can use the method of ATM and Aadhar card anywhere.

Guys, these 4 methods are mostly used to withdraw money from the bank. With the help of all these methods, you can easily withdraw money from your bank account and you can use these methods anywhere.


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